Children can’t blame their parents for everything but for some, their risk for bedwetting is actually increased. For those of you wondering if bedwetting is genetic, keep reading!

Bedwetting is more common if a parent had issues with bedwetting as a child. If one parent was affected, then the child has about a 33% chance of bedwetting.  If both parents wet the bed as a child, then risk can increase to about 70%. Close relatives may also have a history of bedwetting…siblings and even aunts and uncles.

A recent study published earlier this year in The Lancet Journal discovered common genetic variants that contribute considerably to bedwetting. Two loci on the genome increase the risk of bedwetting. This scientific breakthrough can help with targeting treatment for bedwetting and can address the variability with the problem. Additionally, the study found a genomic association between ADHD and bedwetting.

However, until we can map out the genome and figure out how to treat all the different variables, we can use the tried and true methods of behavior urotherapy, constipation management and bedwetting alarms.

The good news is that even if you wet the bed until you were 12 years old, it doesn’t mean that the same will be true for your child. You don’t have to wait around for them to “grow out of it.” It requires motivation, consistency and teamwork!